The unthinkable happens. You are in an accident, your car is damaged, and you are injured. The moments immediately after an accident will likely seem ...
Suffering an accident can be a frightening and damaging event. If you are injured in an accident, it is essential to have experienced personal injury ...
The May Firm Injury Lawyers of Lompoc, California represent all types of injured victims and their families. If you or someone you know were involved ...
Loss is a painful and heart-wrenching experience, and can be especially harrowing when it involves the wrongful death of a loved one. California provides recourse ...
Losing someone you love is a traumatic experience and dealing with insurance adjusters in a wrongful death claim can be frustrating and emotionally draining. When ...
When considering which car insurance to purchase, it is essential to think about possible medical bills that may arise from a car accident. Although it ...
National Child Passenger Safety Week September 18th through September 24th is National Child Passenger Safety Week. Also, September 24, 2016 is National Seat Check Day. ...
The unexpected happens–you are injured in a car crash. The first seconds after a motor vehicle accident are usually chaotic and frightening. You may not ...
How to Respond to Aggressive Drivers Since the economy has enhanced and gas prices have plummeted, individuals are driving more miles. As a result, there ...
California Drowsy Driving Accidents If you have taken any medication that can potentially cause drowsiness, drank alcohol or have not received at least 7 to ...
Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyers It’s important to protect your rights after a motor vehicle accident. You or a loved one may be confused, injured and ...
We’re here to help. Schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced accident lawyers today by filling out the form below, or call us at 1(866) 619-6690.