According to the California Department of Motor Vehicles, pedestrian fatalities account for nearly a quarter of all traffic accident fatalities. That is a huge percentage. ...
Causes of Distracted Driving Distracted driving is incredibly dangerous, but unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to keep many people from doing the things that distract them ...
Car Accidents and Short-Term Effects of Concussions Although many people don’t realize immediately following an accident, it’s highly likely that you’ve suffered a concussion if ...
When operating a vehicle, it is always incredibly important to be completely aware of your surroundings. Drinking, texting and other forms of intoxicated or distracted driving ...
Drivers in California regularly have to face a number of potential threats on the road, only one of which is large commercial trucks and 18-wheelers. ...
Product liability is when manufacturers and businesses are held responsible when their products cause injury to the consumer. Although you can’t always predict when a ...
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