The reality is that there is no such thing as a “safe” road. Accidents can happen anywhere. However, some roads in California are more prone to accidents – and fatalities – than others. Below, our car accident team explains what makes certain roads dangerous and how to stay safe while driving.

What Makes a Road Dangerous?

A road is dangerous when it has characteristics making it more prone to crashes, injuries, and fatalities. These characteristics include:

  • High traffic volume
  • Low lighting or poor visibility
  • High levels of DUIs and other traffic violations
  • Hairpin turns and sharp bends
  • Susceptibility to ice and snow
  • Poor maintenance e.g. potholes, cracks

For example, a flat, well-lit urban road is deemed “less” dangerous than a mountain road with frequent hairpin turns. However, this doesn’t mean we should drive less carefully on “safer” roads!

Common Car Accident Injuries

No matter the roadway, car accident injuries can be similar. Common car crash injuries include:

  • Head trauma
  • Broken bones
  • Back or neck injuries
  • Pulled muscles and soft tissue injuries
  • Cuts and lacerations
  • Nerve damage

Severe accidents can result in organ damage, limb loss, and death. Given how severe car accident injuries can be, it’s crucial to do everything possible to stay safe.

Aerial view of roadway snaking towards beach with ocean and cliffs on the right

Why Are California Roads Dangerous?

Sadly, California roads are, by national standards, poor.

  • The state’s roads are badly maintained. Road infrastructure and bridges are in poor condition.
  • Traffic density across CA’s roadways is high. Lengthy traffic jams are common.
  • Intense heat can lead to buckling roads, and sun glare causes poor visibility.
  • As a storm-prone state, severe weather conditions make for hazardous driving.
  • There is an increased risk of rock falls and mudslides due to CA’s geological location.

Every driver should exercise caution on California’s roadways. However, DUIs, speeding tickets, and other traffic violations are common.

Most Dangerous Highways in California

Research shows that Interstate 15 in San Bernardino County is CA’s deadliest highway. It’s notorious for speeding, DUIs, and other traffic violations. Highway 99 is another alarming stretch of road, rivalling I15 for fatalities and dangers.

Highways such as Highway 99 and I15 are dangerous due to factors such as:

  • Traffic volume
  • Speeding and careless driving
  • DUIs
  • Tight lanes
  • Poor road design
  • Low visibility

To reduce the risk of fatal crashes or serious injury, drivers should:

  • Always obey speed limits
  • Drive with due care and attention
  • Reduce speed significantly when visibility is low
  • Be alert for distracted, drunk, or otherwise negligent drivers
  • Always wear a seatbelt

Most Dangerous Mountain Roads in California

Mountain roads are uniquely perilous due to rugged terrain, tight bends, and poor visibility. Remoteness can also mean it’s harder to signal for help, and so injuries can become life-threatening.

Dangerous mountain roads in CA include State Route 17 through the Santa Cruz Mountains, and the Angeles Crest Highway. Stay safer on these roads by taking steps such as:

  • Using appropriate tires for the road conditions
  • Having supplies such as emergency phone chargers in your vehicle
  • Driving cautiously, particularly at night
  • Staying alert for falling rocks, road debris, and other hazards

Most Dangerous Roads in Southern California

Southern California is notorious for road accidents. In fact, four of CA’s deadliest highways are in Southern California. This is a hugely alarming statistic and shows that we must take driving in Southern CA seriously. The risks of driving in Southern CA include:

  • High traffic density
  • Potholes and uneven surfaces
  • Speeding and careless driving

Deadly roads include San Bernardino County’s 15 Freeway, and Interstate 10 in Riverside County. To navigate such roads, take protective steps such as:

  • Never driving when fatigued or stressed
  • Focusing on the road and never driving distracted
  • Keeping a safe stopping distance from other vehicles
  • Always using turn signals when changing lanes

And as with any roadway, no driver should ever get behind the wheel drunk or under the influence.

Most Dangerous Roads in Northern California

Northern CA is home to dangerous stretches of road. Dangerous roads include State Route 4 (Ebbett’s Pass) and Highway 1 (Pacific Highway).

Why are these roads deadly? The reasons include:

  • Steep curvature
  • Tight turns
  • Poor visibility
  • Remoteness

You can take steps to protect yourself on such roads, including:

  • Drive defensively. Assume that other drivers may behave negligently.
  • Check your tire pressure before driving. Do not risk taking tight turns on poorly inflated tires.
  • Follow the speed limit, particularly when visibility is poor.
  • Have emergency supplies, such as food, water, and tire repair kits when driving on remote stretches.

What to Do After a Car Accident in CA

From fender benders to multi-car pileups, every car crash can have serious consequences. If you’re involved in a California car accident, here’s what to do next.

  • Exchange details with any other driver(s) involved. If a driver flees the scene, try to capture their license plate number and report it to the police.
  • Take pictures or videos of the accident scene, including any property damage.
  • Identify witnesses, if possible. They can provide a statement, or they may even have footage, such as dashcam footage.
  • Contact the police to report any accident involving personal injury. It doesn’t matter how minor the injuries are – all injuries should be reported by law.
  • Get medical attention, even if you feel well. There’s always the risk of a latent injury that doesn’t show up for hours, days, or weeks. A doctor can evaluate you to determine if this is a risk.
  • Contact a car accident attorney. Attorneys can determine if you have a personal injury claim. At the May Firm, we can also help you with your auto insurance claim, if required.

Free Consultation with Experienced Car Crash Attorneys | May Firm

Even if you’re a careful driver, accidents happen. Do you need a car crash attorney in California? Trust the May Firm to help.

With vast experience helping injured clients get the damages they deserve, we know how much your case means to you. We know how difficult and stressful this time is and it’s our honor to help. From valuing your claim to negotiating settlement, we’ll do everything possible to get you a fair result.

Every initial consultation with our accident attorneys is free. And our car accident lawyers don’t charge anything unless we win your case. There is nothing to lose by calling or emailing us to discuss what happened. So, contact us today to schedule a meeting to learn about your legal rights.