Pedestrian injury cases are very common – especially in warm weather climates like we have in California’s Central Coast. Walking is a great way to keep fit and to get where you need to go while reducing your carbon footprint and getting some exercise. While walking can keep you fit, trim, mobile and green, it can also leave you vulnerable to accidents and injuries caused by careless drivers, motorcyclists, bicyclers and others on the road. If you find yourself hurt in pedestrian injury accident incurred while you were walking, you need a knowledgeable California pedestrian injury lawyer to help you get the compensation you deserve. There are over one hundred thousand pedestrian injured on America’s road ways every year and more often than not, these accidents and injuries occur because of negligence of a distracted or impaired driver.
Causes of Pedestrian Injury Accidents
There are many factors that come into deciding fault and compensation in pedestrian injuries and you need an expert on your side to help you navigate the complex legal system and get the money you deserve. After a pedestrian injury accident, you will have medical bills to pay, you may lose time from work, there may be psychological issues that need to be dealt with after the accident and in many cases, you may be left permanently disabled because of the injuries you sustained. These expenses can quickly add up and if you do not have a knowledgeable pedestrian injury lawyer to help you seek and secure proper financial compensation, you may be left holding the bill for thousands of dollars due to no fault of your own
A Pedestrian Injury Lawyer Will Help
While you may not want to get a personal injury attorney involved, you must realize that insurance companies will go to great lengths to pin the accident on the pedestrian, no matter how blatant the driver’s infractions were. Even in cases where the driver is speeding, under the influence of drugs or alcohol, texting or simply not paying attention. All insurance companies will try to blame the pedestrian or offer a settlement way below what you need to take care of yourself and far below what you deserve as fair compensation for the for pain, suffering and time lost. Do not let this happen to you, get a pedestrian injury lawyer on your side to protect you and your best interests.
Contact A California Pedestrian Accident Attorney Lawyer
You should not suffer the burden of medical bills and the agony of feeling afraid to cross the streets because of a negligent driver. If you or a loved one have been injured and hurt by a truck, car, bicycle, motorcyclists or other vehicle while walking, do not delay call a pedestrian injury lawyer to discuss your case right away. The injury lawyers at The May Firm offer free consultations and will be happy to talk about your case and to see how they can help you get the money you need and deserve to make things right again. Do not navigate the complexities of the legal or insurance system alone. Get the legal assistance on the help, knowledge and expertise of pedestrian injury lawyers to help get you back on your feet with the compensation it will take to get the medical, psychological and other treatments you need after the accident.
Pedestrian Injury Lawyers | The May Firm
Our experienced pedestrian injury lawyers will provide you the legal expertise necessary to obtain just compensation for your case.