Child Bicycle Accident Injury Lawyers
As a parent, teacher or care giver of children, you do your best to protect your kids from harm’s way, but we cannot prevent all accidents especially when it comes to the ever loved activity of bicycle riding. All bicyclists are part of a group known as pedal-cyclists. A pedal-cycle is defined as any non-motorized cycle including bicycles, tricycles and unicycles that are powered only by pedals and according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Traffic Safety Facts 2011 Data, 677 pedal-cyclists were in fatal accidents with motor vehicles in the United States in 2011. Of these 677 deaths, 59 were ages 14 or younger. In addition to the fatalities, an estimated 8,000 other children ages 14 and younger were injured while pedal-cycling and according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, children ages 5-14 are one of two age groups accounting for nearly 60 percent of U.S. emergency room visits deriving from bicycle-related accidents. The second age group includes adolescents and young adults ages 15 to 24.
What Happens If Your Child is Involved in a Bicycle Accident?
If your child is involved in an accident while riding a bike, he or she will potentially suffer injuries that are not only expensive to treat, but emotionally strenuous on you, your child and the rest of the family. Many times your child is not at fault for the accident. Distracted drivers and poorly maintained roads contribute to the majority of bicycle accidents each year. If it is determined your child was not at fault for the accident, you have the right to seek compensation for you and your child’s suffering by making a claim against the responsible party. Turn to an experienced California bicycle accident attorney to help you through this emotionally tough and confusing time.
What Can a Bicycle Accident Lawyer Do For You and Your Child?
If your child is in a bicycle-related accident, let a lawyer help you seek the compensation you deserve. Your lawyer will help you determine the cause of the accident and therefore, who is at fault, revealing who may owe you for your family’s suffering. The most common factors contributing to child bicycle accidents are negligent drivers and poorly constructed or maintained roads. In terms of the former, inattentive, law breaking drivers who do not respect road or bike safety laws can be held responsible for your child’s injuries or fatality. Your lawyer will help determine and prove if the driver is required to pay for medical costs and other damages such as pain and suffering.
If an ill maintained road is responsible for your child’s bike accident, your lawyer will help you identify if the government or a private entity is responsible for maintaining the road. If the government proves to be the responsible party, you may or may not be able to sue as the government enjoys limited protection from lawsuits. Your lawyer will navigate the strict criteria used to determine who can sue the government and decide if your case qualifies.
Once the responsible party is identified, your lawyer will help you prove your case. In the event that your child is found partially responsible for the accident, your attorney will still argue for compensation equal to the percent of responsibility the opposing party bears for the accident. So, even if your child was not being 100 percent careful while riding his or her bike, do not assume that recovery is impossible.
The May Firm – California Lawyers Fighting for Young Bicyclists and Their Families
To learn more about how a California bicycle accident lawyer can help you and your family after your child was involved in an accident while riding a bike, contact our personal injury attorneys at the May Firm. We consider our clients our family and we will fight to make sure you receive the compensation you deserve after your child’s bicycle accident. Please call us today at (888) 510-2933 for a free case consultation or to schedule a meeting to discuss your personal case.